Tuesday, February 21, 2023

On the 22nd... Watanabe Rina

From Fukuoka, I'm 14 year old Watanabe Rina₍₎ ♡

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Today is the 22nd。

2 and 2 is (Ni and Ni)

Nyan nyan。



I thought about actually using cat ears but I'll save that for another time。

Get hyped for it。

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On February 11th and 12th, we held our Omotenashikai Event

Thank you to everyone who came to watch us and watched the live stream。

It was the first concert with just the 12 of us so in the beginning we were worried about how it would turn out

I think I will also mention the contents of my speech in this blog as well。

The rehersals for the event was the time for us to develop a stronger sense of unity。

When the event came closer, I grew more impatient, one day during a rehearsal, I cried because I was so frustrated that there was nothing I could do 。

During that time, everyone got close to me and I felt terrible taking up everyone's time, but they stayed by my side and called out to me a lot

Everyone's kindness made me feel better and even though I made mistakes, I tried my best without forgetting to smile。

If everyone's wasn't there for me, my heart would have been broken halfway through beyond repair 。

I'm nothing thankful to everyone。

Omotenashikai Hoodie


I wear it at home-yon🏠

Well, let's start fresh again。

When the event started, it really flew by in a blink of an eye, I hoped that this feel wouldn't continue for long。

We already performed our Senpai's songs for the Mini-live。

I could once again feel the amazingness of our Senpais。

I was selected to be a front member for [Doremisolasido]💙

The refreshing youthfulness of the MV!Sparkling!Hinatazaka!kind of Doremisolisido, in the past I really liked this part of it so it was really fun!

An episode from the end of Omotenashikai𓈒 𓏸 

Kato Shiho-san said to me "You don't have to be strong" while hugging me tightly。

I was uncontrollably happy。

I hope she treats me sweetly from now

When I had the chance to speak with Kosaka Nao-san、I had to tell her that I was really happy being able to dance the song she was the center and front member for, and she hugged me in return。

At that moment I was so happy I was ready to melt。

During the Personalized Fashion Show, it was flowing with everyone's personality ~

I changed my taste in clothing a bit between day 1 and 2

What does everyone prefer?

I love both of them so I guess show it off at the next Meguri?

Thank you for everyone who were waving my towel and penlight!

I was really happy to be able to find them in the crowd。

The send off party was fun too💜💘

We can only experience something this once in your life, so I will treasure this memory

Without forgetting what we have learned from the Omotenashikai, from now on I give all of my heart what comes in the future。


Thank you for reading all the way to the end!

Today's closing photo is the corner walk (Watanabe Edition)

Also tomorrow is my little chocolate friend Tamaneko 。😼

Recently I've dropped off calling Tama-chan that name recently 。

In closing


Thursday, February 9, 2023

14. Watanabe Rina

Long time no see everyone🎀

Rinashi Here。yay₎ ♡

I've been asked before what the hashtag for my blogs should be 


What do you think?

Please be sure to use it 

Without further ado, let's start the Rinashi blog〜

The start of today's blog seems different that what it usually is, don't you think...?

That's right. I didn't introduce myself this time。

Going from that、

From Fukuoka, I'm 14 year old Watanabe Rina.

14 years old←This is important

That's right。My 14th birthday passed on February 7th👏🏻

There were so many people who wished me congratulations on my 14th birthday, it really was a special day🎁

After all, my first ever Showroom was streamed on my birthday, which makes me a Lucky Girl

I'm a really happy person。

Since I received this much happiness from everyone, it's my turn next to return that happiness to everyone。


Happy Valentine🍫💕

Every year for me, Valentine is a day that passes without much thought for me, however this year, I've begun to start thinking that I wanted to make sweets for myself。

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What kind of sweets do you like?

Ah, I asked just because I'm curious!

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Well anyways, I'll go back to talking about the SHOWROOM live stream

I was surprised that my first live stream was over in a blink of an eye

More than anything, I had so much fun being able to chat with everyone in real time💗

Like what Konishi said, did it end up being super rapid fire talk

Somehow I feel like I just had fun talking and talking …haha

I also received a cute ribbon cake🎂

It was also posted on Poka's blog so please be sure to give it a read!

That cake was split amongst the 4ki's and eaten after their lessons 🥰

Thank you to everyone who came and watched my Showroom🪄

I want to stream again soon💭


Furthermore, finally tomorrow is the 4th Gen Omotonashi Event's First Day☀️

Finally it's the really thing。

I'm nervous

In order to showcase our skills to everyone, all of us 4th gen members have been working hard everyday.。

We also hit a big wall once when we had the corona virus infections, it was a tough time for us

However, with the support from everyone, and learning how important it is to have friends so that you don't feel alone, I wonder if the distance between all of us has shrunken since then?

We will also have a live stream on Sunday the 12th, so I want you to check it out

I will just remind everyone !!!

My cyalume colors are 


I'll be checking all over the venue for itー

Lastly, I will close with my last recording as a 13 year old on HinaAi🎶



Tomorrow will be the often-mentioned-in-SHOWROOM - Tamanyan😼

Recently I've been going out with Sumi(Sumire) and Tamanyan

So fun

Well then、

See ya later alligator

Fluffy Watanabe Rina

Hello everyone。 From Fukuoka Prefecture, I am 14 year old Watanabe Rina 。 For some reason recently, I've been feeling a bit more depress...